In February Forbes launched a series of articles entitled “The Baby Boomers Guide to LinkedIn”.  This series provides great insights for the highly-experienced professional. 

The second article in the series focuses on 5 things to know about your LinkedIn photo (and, yes, you MUST include a photo on your profile). Here’s what you need to know:

1.  Headshot Only
Nothing else should be in the picture but your head, neck, and possibly the top of your shoulders.

2.  Professional Attire
You want to convey the right professional image so choose your outfit carefully. For men:  the formal business suit and tie is not seen much on LinkedIn unless that is your normal workday attire. These options are recommended instead: dress shirt open with jacket works very well for a classy look; dress shirt and tie; or just a collared dress shirt with a sweater or dress shirt. No casual shirts, short sleeve polos or t-shirts. For women:  a plain solid color outfit works best. Solid color dress, jacket, sweater or blouse.

3. Smile
It is best to smile to show enthusiasm and zest for life.

4. Lighting
Poor lighting can make any of us look older.  Outdoor lighting can be advantageous – especially on a cloudy, overcast day.

5.  Background
A plain background is best and less distracting.

Learn more here.