Financial Modeling + Stress Testing

PwC surveyed 50 U.S. and Mexico finance leaders last week to gain insights into how COVID-19 is likely to impact their companies. 40% of the survey participants said they were facing difficulty in assessing the impact.

That difficulty is understandable. That said, now is the right time for CEOs, CFOs and other leaders to embrace the uncertainty and leverage financial modeling and stress testing to help in reassessing near-term priorities.

We can help.

What it takes to become a successful management consultant.

Last month Forbes published a great article that provides a high-level overview of the management consulting industry, and what it takes to succeed as a consultant.

Because the article is written from the vantage point of a consultant who is embedded in the traditional management consulting model, there are aspects that don’t apply to Croixstone’s disruptive business model.  Our consultants, for example, don’t travel frequently, and Croixstone doesn’t deploy a proprietary methodology.  

That said, the article nicely captures the core work of a management consultant along with the skills and expertise you need to succeed.

Read the article here.