Top Health Industry Issues

There is no shortage of challenges facing the USA’s healthcare industry.  The USA spends more on healthcare per capita than other developed nations yet lags in outcomes.The misuse of and addiction to opioids—including prescription pain relievers, heroin, and synthetic opioids such as fentanyl—is a serious national crisis that affects public health as well as social and economic welfare. Learn about the 12 dominant forces that will have the most impact on the healthcare industry in 2018 courtesy of PwC Health Research Institute’s annual report.

Industry Profile: Healthcare

Did you know that healthcare accounts for 1 in 10 jobs in the Charlotte region? That represents more than 137,000 diverse workers offering varied skill sets and education levels.  And did you know that the Charlotte region has the largest concentration of medical device manufacturers in the Carolinas?  With a total impact estimated at $13.4 billion, the healthcare sector has a significant, and rapidly-growing, impact on the Charlotte region’s economy.  Learn more about our local healthcare sector via industry reports published by the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce and the Charlotte Regional Partnership.

Education Innovation

Did you know that Charlotte is one of six cities in the USA identified by The Brookings Institute (a nonprofit public policy organization) as a “major-emerging immigrant gateway“? With more than one quarter of a million immigrants, Charlotte’s ability to integrate immigrants (especially when it comes to education, occupational training, and English language ability) is critical for our city to make the most of its immigrant population and their mostly U.S.-born offspring.

Croixstone’s founder, Mark Weber, serves as Board Chair of ourBRIDGE for KIDS, an innovative, nonprofit afterschool program that serves more than 100 CMS families representing 20 cultures on Charlotte’s east side.  Sil Ganzó, ourBRIDGE founder and Executive Director, was recently profiled by StyleBlueprint as a “FACE of Charlotte.”

Healthcare Innovation Tribe

We enjoyed participating in this week’s “first ever” North Carolina Health Innovators’ CEO Roundtable. It was energizing to spend the afternoon with healthcare executives, thought leaders, innovators and entrepreneurs from across the Charlotte region. A huge shout out to Scott Pope of In Scope Ventures and Kelli Murray of for sharing your vision on creating our own local “innovator tribe” here in the QC. And thanks to host Blair Primis of OrthoCarolina for your warm hospitality! #innovatehealthCLT

Charlotte Growth Report

The workforce in the Charlotte region has grown by 28 percent since 2001 (compared to just under 10 percent growth nationwide). This is one of several fascinating statistics included in the Charlotte Chamber’s 1st Quarter 2018 Growth Report.  Read the report to learn about the largest sector by total employment in the Charlotte area (surprise – it isn’t financial services or retail) as well as the importance of both Professional Services and Manufacturing to the Charlotte region’s economy in Q1.