Five LinkedIn Tips

Personal branding pioneer William Arruda advises that you work with intentionality to differentiate your LinkedIn profile. 

Here are five personal features that are available on LinkedIn to help you standout from the professional network’s 610 million users.

1.  Specify your industry. 

LinkedIn data shows that profiles of members who include their industry are 9x more likely to be viewed.

2.  Create content. 

Create articles using LinkedIn’s blogging feature.  Here’s a great tip.  Arruda suggests that you commit to writing just one article per quarter.  This will help you to differentiate your profile, keep it fresh and share your thought leadership.

3.  Master multimedia. 

Your LinkedIn summary now allows you to add multimedia including videos, white papers, images and more. A great way to amplify your story while making your profile more visually interesting.

4. Brand your background. 

Do not use LinkedIn’s generic background image.  You need to stand apart from the crowd by customizing your image.  Not sure how to do this?  The Croixstone team would be happy to provide assistance.

5.  Say it with symbols. 

Symbols can be used to add character to your LinkedIn profile.  We agree with Arruda that you must exercise caution with this tip.  The key is to use symbols well and use them sparingly.

Learn more here.

LinkedIn for Baby Boomers

LinkedIn is an essential tool for all business professionals to use. There is both art and science to building and sustaining an impactful LinkedIn profile, and the navigation between these two elements can be tricky – especially for highly experienced professionals.

We love that Forbes magazine has published the first article in a brand new series of articles named “The Baby Boomer’s Guide to LinkedIn.” Read the first article in the series that presents strategies baby boomers can deploy to fight age discrimination on LinkedIn.