HBR Ideacast

Pat Lynes, author of “The Interim Revolution,” isn’t the only one who sees big changes ahead for the management consulting industry.  Listen to this Harvard Business School Ideacast that features Clay Christensen (the Kim B. Clark Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School and one of the world’s top experts on innovation and growth) and Dominic Barton (the global managing partner of McKinsey).

Listen here.

Disruption in Consulting

Traditional management consulting won’t be around in 20 years.

That’s the bold claim being made by Pat Lynes, a business transformation consultant and author of “The Interim Revolution.”  Having interviewed over 100 corporate executives to gain insight into how businesses address change and perceive the management consulting industry, Pat believes our industry is a prime candidate for disruption.  We agree.  Learn more here.

Experience TABL

Congrats to Croixstone consultant Tony Armeni on facilitating his very first TABL event for 15 senior-level executives from NewDominion Bank and Park National Bank.  TABL is Croixstone’s new culinary team-building experience that couples world-class cooking instruction with a customized application of DiSC, the training and development tool designed to improve work productivity, teamwork and communication.