Ideas Worth Spreading…TEDxCharlotte

With TEDxCharlotte taking place in little over 2 months on October 13th, this is a great time to listen to a TED Talk.  TED began in 1984 as a conference resulting from Richard Saul Wurman‘s observation of the convergence among three fields: Technology, Entertainment and Design. Today TED Conferences, TED Talks, TEDx events, TED-ED and many other variations of TED continue to share “ideas worth spreading” (the TED mission).

Learn about the history of TED through a Q&A with Chris Anderson, the Curator of TED, here.

Below are two of our favorite TED Talks:

Global Running Day and PurpleStride Charlotte

Today is Global Running Day…a great day for you to make plans to join the Croixstone Consulting team at PurpleStride Charlotte 2017 hosted by the Charlotte Affiliate of the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network on Saturday, September 9. Croixstone is a proud gold sponsor of Purplestride…the walk to end pancreatic cancer.

Pancreatic cancer is the world’s toughest cancer with a five-year survival rate of just 9 percent in the United States. It is the third leading cause of cancer-death in the USA and demands urgent action to save lives.  Mark Weber, Croixstone’s founder and Managing Partner, lost his mother to this deadly disease in 2012 and serves as the Media Relations Chair (volunteer role) for the Charlotte Affiliate of the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network.  Patti Weber, Croixstone’s Chief Experience Officer, lost her  father to pancreatic cancer in 2005 and volunteers as Teams Ambassador for the Charlotte Affiliate’s annual PurpleStride event.

Learn more about the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network here.

Visit PurpleStride Charlotte on the web here.

Make a donation or join the Croixstone Crew PurpleStride Team here.