Let’s say you are preparing to participate in a professional networking meeting in Charlotte this week.  Your elevator pitch has been perfected, and you are feeling on top of your game.  But then a nagging question arises that throws you off base.  Should I, or should I not, present my business card to new contacts?  Has the rise of LinkedIn (and other tools) rendered the business card obsolete?

Our strong belief?  The business card still matters.

Following a meeting with a local business executive, the Croixstone team engaged in spirited discussion last week about the merit of the business card.  While some people feel strongly that this longstanding business communication tool is passé, we are resolute in our belief that the business card absolutely still matters.

Yes, LinkedIn serves an incredibly valuable purpose.  And, yes, many millennials are quick to say that the business card is pointless.  We would offer that the business card is an essential tool in your personal branding tool chest.  Like any tool, you simply need to know when the card is appropriate to present.

Know your audience and the environment.  If you are attending a networking event at the Duke Mansion with people from traditional, conservative professional groups or companies, you can be assured that your business card matters.  Attending a hip tech gathering at Camp North End the following evening?  You might be best to leave your business card tucked safely in your pocket.

Also remember that your business card, when designed with care and intentionality, is a powerful tool to represent, and differentiate, your personal brand.

Read more opinions on the value of the business card from 16 public relations, media strategy, creative and advertising leaders who serve on the Forbes Agency Council.